Thursday, February 26, 2015


This man, is someone I have immense respect for. His dedication, his passion, his discipline; all things that take a person from desperation to perfection. A talent and skill that I am still working on. To be able to give your whole self, not a just a part, to your career takes a huge amount of courage and faith. Jiro gives more than 100% he gives his whole soul, and body to his love and interest. Sacrificing connections with his sons, his wife and the world around him to perfect this one job.

In regards to myself. I can only try to do what Jiro does. My love and passion for theater is great, but there are so many other things I am in love with. Traveling, filming, ballet, people and writing. My goal right now is to find one thing that I truly, truly want to throw myself into, mind, soul and, body. Or if I can manage, fill my life with all of them. My life goals are a work in progress, but I am on my way.

Friday, February 20, 2015


Listen to today's tunes and write your first impressions of Holden Caulfield.  Is his "voice" authentic to you?  Does it express what you/people you knoexperience?  Is it exaggerated?  Explain your answer.

Holden seems to have a terrible view of the world. As character he is very interesting, with a lot of opinions and thoughts that influence him. However he is just a normal, hormonal teen. He cusses a lot, and puts his wall up to defend his own feelings and thoughts. He seems very fake to me, I really don't know if I can trust his inner monologue. It seems like he uses his thoughts to distract himself. He is vulnerable, still trying to figure out himself, and the life he wants to lead. He reminds me a lot of other guys I know, trying to act all tough and in reality weak inside. 

The Internet Can be a Dangerous Friend

The Internet; infinite information, billions of connections and portal to a world beyond us. We have come to depend on this almost unreal privilege over the past few years. It is a curse and a blessing to have such power and knowledge. But I have learned the hard way not to give everything to it.

 All of my work from the last two months is gone. I thought it was posting but unfortunately it was all in drafts. Some sort of bug made my words incomprehensible binary code. I talked to Google and they have fixed the problem so I can post again, but they were unable to revive my past posts. So here I am, I plan to retype my previous posts so they are all present on my blog. I just thought I'd fill you in on the goings on.

Have a great day!